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About the VSCS Libraries

Policies, Locations, Staff, etc.

Physical Collections

Student taking a library book off the shelf

The VSCS Libraries' physical collections consist of a variety of physical resources, including print books, periodicals, media, special collections, and items on reserve. These resources are evaluated each year to determine their value in maintaining a balanced, purposeful, sustainable collection.

Some print materials might now be available in a new format. Check our Discovery Search for availability.


Collection Streamlining Project

Deselection is an essential component of any collection management plan in order to maintain a collection that meets the needs of students and the curriculum. Hampered by the shutdowns and reduction in staff following COVID 19, the physical libraries located at VTSU Castleton, Johnson, Lyndon, Randolph, and Williston, have been unable to maintain regular evaluation of the library collection of physical materials. In an effort to right-size and improve the vitality of the collection, a streamlining path was proposed (see link below).

The following list of titles are under consideration for deselection in the library collection. These reports were run using modified CREW DDC deselection recommendations, and are being reviewed by professional librarians in each subject area. Developing deselection report criteria is only the first step in the collection management review process. The liaison teams in each subject area are further analyzing the reports using MUSTIE guidelines to produce manageable lists of titles for deselection consideration by faculty and staff.

The process of deaccessioning titles is as long and arduous as purchasing and accessioning titles. In this final stage many physical titles will be available at the physical locations. Books to be deaccessioned will be available for faculty to relocate if they choose. Contact your liaison librarian team for more information.