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student reading

You will probably use a variety of books while in college: textbooks, works of fiction, writing manuals, workbooks etc... In addition to the books you are required to use for class, you will also need to use books as sources for papers, essays, and presentations.

When researching a topic, book chapters or sections can provide background information, the history of a topic, a broad or "big picture" perspective, or a general overview.

try this iconRESEARCH TIP!

You don't need to read the entire book to use it as a source. It's okay to skim through books to locate the information you need. If you only use a section or chapter, you still cite the whole book, but citing the book doesn't mean you need to have read it cover to cover!

Finding Books & eBooks in the VSCS Libraries

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Add the word "university" when you search for books or eBooks to find books from university presses.

search including the keyword university