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My Library Accounts

For Faculty & Staff


Library Instruction

What does Library Instruction at VSCS Libraries Look Like? 

Library instruction is a core component of the services offered by the VSCS Libraries, which support both the Community College of Vermont and Vermont State University. In response to our expanded service area, we carefully evaluated and enhanced our library instruction program to ensure that all students—whether on-campus, at learning sites, or in online programs—receive equitable and sustainable access to instructional support. 

As we adapt to the evolving needs of our institutions, some faculty may notice adjustments in the structure of our services. We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse academic community and supporting the success of our students across all programs. 

What Can Your Librarian Do for You? 

  • Help you with integrating library resources and instructional content into your courses. 

  • Offer scheduled virtual orientations and workshops throughout the semester. 

  • Provide short and informative video tutorials relevant to your course/department learning outcomes. 

  • Create and maintain subject guides with specific material geared toward students in different program areas.  

  • Be available to help you and your students with specific questions regarding assignments and research. 

  • Assist with finding Open Educational Resources (OER) for your course development. 

Faculty collaboration with liaison librarians enhances student learning and supports academic success.  

How Can You Get Involved? 

  • Connect with the librarians assigned to your discipline. 

  • Share your syllabus, assignments, and academic integrity concerns and needs. 

  • Request library assignment development and/or specialized resources.  

  • Explore opportunities to reduce textbook costs through Open Educational Resources (OER). 

  • Use Library Resources in Your Courses 

  • Link to a virtual library orientation or pre-recorded workshops. 

  • Use the library resource modules in Canvas Commons to emphasis topics like academic honesty, finding resources, or discipline specific research techniques. 

  • Promote Reference Services 

  • Encourage students to use live chat or schedule one-on-one sessions with librarians for research assistance. 

  • Take advantage of tools like Zoom and Teams to allow librarians to provide real-time support for navigating databases, interlibrary loan options, and more. 

  • Librarians can help students critically evaluate source quality. 

  • Stay Engaged 

  • Involve your librarian in department or program meetings to keep them informed of curricular changes. 

  • Regular communication allows librarians to understand your evolving needs. 

Upcoming Workshops