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You can find images to use for your print and media projects in the repositories shared here. However, you should be aware that most images are the intellectual property of their creator, and not for others’ use without permission. Some image repositories below contain only images available to be freely used by anyone for any purpose. Others offer information about how an image can be used, like their copyright status or Creative Commons license. If you are unsure of the copyright or licensing status of an image, you can assume the image is protected by copyright and not free to re-use for material you will share with the public. You may use copyright-protected visual material for educational purposes if it is to be shared with a limited audience, like in a presentation in a classroom, and not on the public internet. Some images will be designated as free to use as long as you attribute them (give credit to the image’s creator) appropriately. For academic work, you need to cite images, regardless of their copyright status. See this page’s tab on citing images.

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