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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DEISJ)

This guide aims to provide valuable resources and some guidance on researching diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice topics.

Diverse Identities

The Social Science Jargon Buster offers this brief definition of identity:

"Our sense of self, which makes us unique (provides us with personal character) and yet makes us recognizable as a part of a social group (i.e. male, Asian, working-class)."

The resources below are examples and starting points for learning about some of the social groups that contribute to the identities of members of our communities. We always welcome new resources to add to our guide. If you have suggestions, please reach out to

What is Identity?

See the DEISJ Concepts section of this guide and the book below for a more in-depth exploration of the concept of identity.

Diverse Identities

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