When researching a company, it is helpful to determine whether it is public, private, or a subsidiary of a larger parent company. This will give you a sense of where to look for information and what you might expect to find.
Use these databases to find Company Profiles and other significant reports and articles on your company. Though these are mostly focused on public companies, you may also find some reports on private as well as international companies. Have a look here first.
The company's own website should be your first stop for gathering information about how the company presents itself to the public. You may find things like Mission Statements, company history, corporate structure, and top executives, even for a company that is privately owned. Look for the About Us or similar link on the main company home page.
For publicly traded companies, look for links like Investor Relations, which may be all the way at the bottom of the home page. Forms 10-K and 10-Q are the annual and quarterly accounting statements public companies must file with the SEC. You may also find the latest Annual Report and meeting information under Proxy materials.
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