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Career Services

Career Services


Welcome, faculty and staff!

Using Career Services to Support Classes


Answering Students' Career Questions

  • How do I choose a career?

​Check out our Career Exploration page for directions on using CCV's career exploration tools, Focus2 and Career Coach, and other resources.

  • What education/training do I need to get a job in my desired career field?

Career Coach has information on typical educational requirements and CCV transfer agreements. Focus2 has links to professional associations, which often include lists of accredited programs. To find more detailed information about training/credentialing programs, O*Net has links to information by state (these program lists may not be exhaustive). If you have a student who is interested in learning about the fastest growing well-paid jobs in Vermont, Pathways to Promising Careers clusters top jobs by major interest and required education.

  • How can I know if the career I'm interested in is right for me?

​​The best way to know is to try out the career! See our Job Shadowing and Informational Interviews pages for more information.

  • How can I get a job with no experience?

​It can definitely feel daunting when it seems like most employers want to hire someone with experience. But how do you get experience? One important thing to remind students is that the skills they develop at other types of jobs and as a student are transferable to other careers. Second, experience doesn't have to be in the form of a paid job. Internships and volunteer positions are valuable experience and may be included on a resume as experience (just include intern or volunteer in with the job title). Informational interviews and job shadows, as well as networking, can help a company get to know more about a student and make it easier for them to find a position without the "required" experience.

  • How can I find a job to help me pay for college/living expenses while taking classes?

​College Central Network, CCV's job search site, has job postings for temporary and part-time jobs, as well as career jobs. For directions on using this site, see Job Searching.

  • How can I find an internship?

​See the Internship page.

  • How do I write a resume?

​​See the Resumes page.

  • How do I write a cover letter?

​See the Cover Letters page.

  • What skills should I work on now to help me find a job after I graduate? 
    • ​​​Students can look at the required skills for their desired career on Career Coach or Focus2. This can give them an idea of what skills they may need to work on.
    • Focus2 also has a module called "Am I Career Ready?" (at the top right when you log in). This goes through the eight core career competencies identified by the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE). It will ask students questions related to each area, and then it will give them suggestions for ways to improve their skills where necessary. Students can retake this to see how they've improved throughout their college career.
    • The Professionalism page also has information on developing professional attitudes and habits.