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Career Services Sandbox: Getting the Most Out of Career Events

CCV Career Services



Will you be attending a career panel, information session, or guest speaker event? Learn how to prepare to make sure you get the most out of this event.


  • Research the career field and/or company ahead of time to help decide what you want to learn more about.
  • Come up with at least two questions you can ask the speaker - this not only helps you get information, but will help the speaker remember you and how well prepared you are!
  • Dress professionally - this is an employer's first impression of you.
  • Find a quiet, well-lit spot to join the event.
  • Make sure your Zoom name is your full (and real!) name.
  • Reach out to the speaker after if you're interested in learning more about the career, company, or potential job openings. Remind them that you were at the event. These events are a great opportunity for networking!


  • Keep your camera off for the entire event. It is fine to turn your camera off during screen sharing or if you need to get up, have children coming in, etc., but plan to have your camera on at least during introductions and questions.
  • Keep yourself muted the entire event. If you don't ask questions, employers won't remember you're there!
  • Talk too much - it's great to ask questions and answer any questions the guest speaker has, but be sure to allow time for others to speak and be mindful of the time limit for the event.
  • Play with your phone or do other work during the meeting - it's obvious when you're not paying attention, and that doesn't give employers a good impression.
(833) 528-7468