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Understanding Plagiarism

Keep Track of Your Sources

The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is to keep track of the sources you use. 

Lightbulb iconYou can keep track of the sources you use in a Microsoft Word document. Your can create one using your OneDrive account, which you can access using your CCV or VTSU credentials. This way, any changes you make will automatically be saved in the cloud.

Lightbulb iconYou can also save resources you find using the VSC Libraries Discovery Search (the search bar on the Libraries' homepage). Click the "Save" bookmark icon next to any search results you come across.

To access them later, click "My Library Accounts" on the right side of the homepage, then select "Discovery Search - Account Dashboard." Your saved items will appear in the "Saved" folder. 

Lightbulb iconAnother option is to use an app like Zotero to save sources. You can save items to Zotero as you conduct research on the web, enter items manually, and even create a bibliography. Watch the video below, from the University of Alabama Libraries, which demonstrates how to save sources in Zotero. 

("How to Zotero," by the University of Alabama Libraries, CC-BY)