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Online Writing Center

Online Writing Center


Parts of a Paper

A draft is an early version of written work. A first draft should include:

check marktitle - engaging, descriptive, and concise

check markthesis statement (or lead sentence) - a statement introducing your main argument 

check markintroduction and background - information to put your argument in context

check markbody - the main part of your paper between the introduction and conclusion

  • topic sentences - describe the main point of each paragraph throughout the body of your paper

  • facts and evidence from appropriate sources - examples, facts, statistics, theories, or knowledge from experts on the topic you are writing about

  • your analysis - a description and examination of why the evidence and sources support your thesis or paper topic

  • transitions - words or phrases that connect two paragraphs and help lead your reader from one idea to the next

check markconclusion - a summary of your main points in support of your thesis statement

Video | Drafing and Revising